Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Soap bubbles to Germany

Thank you Germany forviewing my blog

Soap bubble to Canada

Thank you Canada for viewing my blog

Soap bubbles to Poland

Thank you Poland for viewing my blog

So reaaly....what is a soap bubble good for?


So, it kind of looks like winter has set itself down in the valley. Frost in the morning, a light layer of crunching snow, and the neccessity of mittens give the overall impression that Christmas will be coming soon. Has any ever thought to ask Santa for a lift to one of his warmer drop offs.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

The pressure of connection

Ohh The pressure

Mathematical fomula (yup) to Soap bubbles for Poland

Thank you Poland for viewing my blog.
Hi Canada and the United States that re on right now!

Fire bubbles to South Korea

Thank you South Korea for viewing my blog

Frozen soap bubble to Germany

Thank you Germany for viewing my blog

Soap bubbles to China

Thank you China for viewing my blog

Soap bubbles to the United Kingdom

Thank you United Kingdom for viewing my blog

Trains and bubbles to Sweden

Thank you Sweden for viewing my blog

Soap bubbles to Canada

Thank you Canada for viewing my blog

Soap film for United States

Thank you United States for viewing my blog

Soap bubble to Singapore

Thank you Singapore for viewing my blog

Soap bubble to South Korea

Thank you for viewing my blog South Korea

Flogos explained

Soap bubble to Germany

Thank you for viewing my blog Germany

Soap bubble to the United States

Thank you United States for viewing my blog

Soap bubble to China

Thank you China for viewing my blog

Soap bubble to the Philipines

Thank you Philipines for viewing my blog

Soap bubble to Canada

Thank you Canada for viewing my blog

Soap bubble to Sweden

Thank you Sweden for viewing my blog

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Basic Course completion

Well, it may not be much, and it may not help me if they don't allow me to see another one of my own., but I completed a 12 lead ECG course and I know what is abnormal. And I am credited with this course. On to another course. I will finish up my NIC.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Pete Luckett at the Pete's 20th year party in Wolfville, NS

We had a delightful sample of some vender goodies. Stacy Sperling of Harvest Home Cooking had delicious baked samples.  Gwen Smith had a sample of fresh brewed tea with cream and cinnamon. Scotian Gold had slices of their apples. Bill Riley from European Cheese Brokers had a yummy pastry which contained something quite tasty. There were others A goat cheese with slice of lemon, but unfortunately they did not have a business card, as did the potato chips, although crispy, I can't recall their names, other than it was salt and vinegar. There were eight samples to be punched. At the very  beginning Pete offered a variety of samples from his vineyard collection of wines. Now that was good thinkin' to start the tour of just right. Still wondering why I can't remember? Anyway today was November 3, 2012 and I know that because I finally was able to track him down, 12 years later, to autograph his Fruits and Nuts Cookbook which I won with a postcard, from ATV.  Thank you again, Pete. Nice book. ( I will remember the other names) Just Us had samples of their coffee.


We have a new viewer, welcome. why don't you introduce yourself to the group. Don't be shy. Email. tell us a little about yourself and what got you into bubbles. Was it the Newtonian physics, perhaps Quantum? Or the balancing act of Stoichiometry. Maybe the simpleness of the hemispereic NIC. Whatever it was we are interested to know.
The colors of the rainbow can be seen in bubbles as through a prism. Blissfully unaware of the power they have to teach, to reach the ends of the universe and then go beyond.