Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Week 4 in the essential oils..
Well apparently back during the black plague they had a few enterprising shipsters playing rob the crypters. While the ships were not allowed to leave the harbour for fear of infecting other areas the crews had to come up with a way to survive. They started robbing the dead of their possessions. Thus the original pawnstars. Now the King wondered why they themselves didn't come down with the plague. He would send his constables to arrest these evaders of the crypt and they would refuse, knowing that the likelihood that they themselves would befall the desease. So the king killed his own for disobeying. ( talk of double bind) When he finally did manage to capture a few he gave them the choice, they could choose to be either... burnt at the stake or be beheaded if they would tell their secret to their entreprenurial spiritedness. ( kinda see a pattern here ) They chose not to be categorized as witches and chose the more manly death by hanging.
Do you know what ships they were from?

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