Friday 28 December 2012

"No, you write in yours."

Every Christmas I go out and buy Christmas cards. There are usually some unique and funny cards each Christmas. Sometimes, I buy stamps. I get my list of people who I send cards to, and write a note in each. Then set them aside after I write their names on. Sooo I guess that is kind of a tradition I started.

Randi came home and showed me her box of cards she purchased to send off. Nice cards, mine with a stamp was hand delivered, the rest nicely packed in the box untouched. Her first purchased box of cards...still in the box. Oh you are just like me... "No, you write in yours."

Thank Christmas where thoughts count. This year everyone was actually sent, hand delivered by the Post Office, Christmas first day issued stamps and cover envelopes from both of us. The dates, no not 2012 except one, I think were 2009, but were actually put in the mail this year though. How weird is that!

There is a lot of thought going out with my cards, probably why they don't get to their destination. Next years are already planned to come from a special destination, hopefully I will be close enough to a post office with the cards early enough to send them off.

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